Monday, August 8, 2011


“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” -  Leo F. Buscaglia

Humans go through so much on a daily bases. Many of us know how to hide the daily struggles that we face and put on an indifferent facade to the world. We can go through life just getting by to make it to the end and say that we've lived; however, there is much more than what is shown on the surface. 

Like an Ice Burg, we only shows a small fraction of who we are, what we think, and how we feel. The things that we don't show can weigh us down more until we really don't want to show the world any of who we really are at all. Because we, as humans, are just like Ice Burgs, we should take care to realize that others are just as much in pain, turmoil, lust, fear, love, hate, thought, dismay, and guilt as the rest of us. If we remember that someone may have it worse than ourselves, we may realize that the house that doesn't have a pool is better than a card board box. The car that runs is better than walking 20 miles to get to the only job you can get, or that having a job at McDonald is better than no job at all. When we realize that others have it harder than we do, when we realize that we will never be happy if we fail to appreciate what we already have, we will learn to care for others more than for ourselves. When one makes their life all about themselves, what does that really do for anything? When we are in it for ourselves, we walk on others and they will not help us in our time of need, we will be left in the dust as we cry if we ignore the cries of others (Proverbs 21:13).

When you recognize what you hide from the world, what I hide from the world, you will be more apt to care about what others are going through. When others give you a kind word, does it not make things "feel" better? When you think everything is going wrong and one person tries to help, does it not make it "feel" better? We need to -- yes, me too-- realize that just because the person across the room smiles quickly as you pass by, it does not mean that they happy, they could have it harder than you. Care for others and you will be cared for when you need it most. If you are able to help, if it is no skin off your back to help others, why not help and make a life change forever?

"Penny's Song" - Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blogs
Here's a story of a girl
Who grew up lost and lonely
Thinking love was fairy tale
And trouble was made only for me

Even in the darkness every color can be found
And every day of rain brings
Water flowing
To things growing in the ground

Grief replaced with pity
For a city barely coping
Dreams are easy to achieve
If hope is all I'm hoping to be

Any time you're hurt
There's one who has it worse around
And every drop of rain will keep you growing
Seeds you're sowing in the ground

So keep your head up, Billy, buddy

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