For every time I have said that I was never enough for someone else, I have only hindered myself more. I say this because the question is not if you are good enough for people; the question is are you good enough for yourself and God.
When it comes down to it, you know who you ultimately want to be. You know who you are now, and you know that you are far from what you want to be (or at least most of us have this feeling). I cannot express to you everything that I want to change about myself; however, those things I want to change make me approachable to someone else. They allow me to speak to others when they need it most. They allow me to understand where others are coming from. Do I still not like those things about myself, of course! I still want to change those things for the better because stagnation will get me nowhere! When I am comfortable with where I'm at in life, this is when it needs to change. Only fools and wise men never change and to say that you are wise makes you a fool because a wise man knows he knows nothing. Thus, I must change, I must have a constant change in my life. Because of that change, I will always be enough in that moment for what I am supposed to be.
I want a closer relationship to God, one that is exponentially growing. I do not want that relationship to sit idle while I continue on a path that will lead to destruction. A path that I think is the right road may lead to death; thus, I must focus on the one, true God and make that, always, the focus of my life. I do not want this relationship to be stagnate as those from my younger years were. Those relationships grew apart, they are no longer friends, significant others, or acquaintances, they are just a distant memory. This cannot be my relationship with God! My relationship with Him should be ever increasing, ever stronger, and eternal. Thus, the only way I am "never enough" is if I let my relationship with God become stagnate by only worrying about the people who can only do so much damage in this life time. If I let the people in my life rule my relationship with God, if I let other things become more important, if I let my anger, pride, inability to let go of stupid competitive characteristics, or having to be right come in between that relationship, then, and only then, am I not good enough. I must remember that individuals that surround me do not help me in the end, only God can help me, yet he will judge not only my actions, but my heart as well. I must focus on God and become good enough for Him, not you.
If I can talk to others everyday, I can talk to God |
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