Sunday, July 31, 2011


God didn't choose us because we are perfect, He chose us because, through our imperfections, we can grow and show the world what He can do. 

I realize that I am not perfect. I am short, come from a somewhat dysfunctional family, and have more insecurities than I have reasons for; however, every single imperfection I have, God has placed within me to enable me to show, through my growth, what He is capable of.

If Jesus chose 12 Pharisees to be His disciples, they would have "known it all." They would have doubted the rebellion that Jesus showed against the norm. Because He chose the tax collector, the habitual liar, the fishermen, the uneducated, and the poor He was able to show that with Him, we can do anything with Him.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.- Philippians 4:13

 Though I have imperfections, insecurities, and fears I will not allow those things overshadow that which God can accomplish in my life. With Him by my side, I can accomplish the things that He has placed in my path to do, the things that I say "I can't do that" to.

Remember always that God knows what imperfections He gave you. He knows that you fear or worry what could become of you due to those imperfections. However, He will use every imperfection for His good and for His glory which He does deserve!

 "Can't" - Edgar A. Guest
Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
And robs us of courage we need through the day:
It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning
And laughs when we falter and fall by the way.

Can't is the father of feeble endeavor,
The parent of terror and half-hearted work;
It weakens the efforts of artisans clever,
And makes of the toiler an indolent shirk.
It poisons the soul of the man with a vision,
It stifles in infancy many a plan;
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And mocks at the hopes and the dreams of a man.

Can't is a word none should speak without blushing;
To utter it should be a symbol of shame;
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing;
It blights a man's purpose and shortens his aim.
Despise it with all of your hatred of error;
Refuse it the lodgment it seeks in your brain;
Arm against it as a creature of terror,
And all that you dream of you some day shall gain.

Can't is the word that is foe to ambition,
An enemy ambushed to shatter your will;
Its prey is forever the man with a mission
And bows but to courage and patience and skill.
Hate it, with hatred that's deep and undying,
For once it is welcomed 'twill break any man;
Whatever the goal you are seeking, keep trying
And answer this demon by saying: "I can."

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