Friday, June 24, 2011

Living Water

When God created the Earth, it was full of still water; It was full of chaos and the unknown. However, when God separated the dry land from the still waters on the third day, He enabled the power of water to take hold.

Water can become a gas, liquid or solid. It has the ability to carve through the most solid rock and land formation. It has the power to overcome that which man has built. It destroyed the Earth in the flood and it continues to destroy cities on Earth through flooding today. However, water is so much more than that!

The human body is made up of around 70% water in total. The brain, that which we hold so dear, and kidneys are around 80-85% water. Even our teeth are made of around 8-10% water. Our muscles, skin, and liver are 70-75% and our lungs and hearts are around 75-80% water. Moreover, our blood is 50% water. If this is the case, then water is of the utmost importance in our lives (the reason we can't go three day's without water or we die).

More than water being important in our world as a system of cleaning, destruction, transformation, and that which enables us to live, water is what God is recognized by - He is the Living Water! John 7: 38 tells us that He is living water. To have water in us as a way to survive is one thing, but to have living water in us is completely different. Living water running through us means that we will never thirst (spiritually), and that our ENTIRE body is devoted to the will of God, not our own. We are made almost entirely of water, and, because of that, the living water would encompass our being and we truly would be the body of Christ.

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